Lighting Designer does not collect any personal data from its users. It does collect crash reports and analytics through Google Firebase, strictly for the purpose of fixing bugs and improving the app. This data contains unique device identifiers for bug analysis, but those do not contain any personal information about its user. No crash reports or analytics are released to anyone other than the developer.

LD also asks that the user grant access to its Camera, Photos, and Contacts, but none of that data is ever sent to the developer, only added to the user’s work and shared by the user at their discretion.

All Sync functions are performed by the Ensembles framework within the secure iCloud environment, which is owned by the user. This data is only accessible through the user’s iCloud account, and can be removed by the user at any time.

If the user signs into a Crescit LightShop Library account, their login information is stored in the secure iCloud Keychain environment, and is never shared with the developer. Logging out of the account removes the login info from the Keychain. All interactions with the Library trigger data requests to Crescit’s online database, but these do not contain any of the user’s personal information.

If you have any questions about specific privacy issues, please Contact the Developer

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