New Features   |   Bug Fixes

This version of Lighting Designer does not support iOS 5.

Version 2.0.0 is a ground-up retooling of LD’s basic functions, primarily introducing the widespread use of Key-Value Observing (KVO) to perform movement with Plot Objects. It also expands the Inventory to include new types of Plot Objects (Lift, Box, Cable, Grip, Gel), and provides utilities for building a more complete gear list. The Truck function in particular helps to organize Plots’ and Shows’ equipment in a more usable way. Capping it off, a UI redesign keeps many recognizable elements, but structures them in a way that is easier to understand and quicker to use.

New Features

LD is now a Universal App
Starting with this version, LD is available for iPad and iPhone.

No more support for iOS 5
Starting with this version, LD only supports iOS 6 and later. This means if you have devices older than iPad 2 or iPhone 3Gs, you will not be able to download LD v2.0.0.

Key-Value Observing
In earlier versions of LD, an object’s data was only modified when a gesture was completed. The actual movement of the object was applied directly by the object’s view controller, by moving the view in reaction to the gesture recognizer. Now, the view controller actually modifies the object’s data directly according to the gesture, and each view controller is set up to observe those properties and position the view according to changes.

This setup enables LD to modify an object’s properties in different ways, and not have to re-write extra code to get the same result. For instance, you can move an object by dragging it, or by opening its Info and changing the numbers for its position or rotation. Both actions will move the object, but no extra code is required.

The Inventory now includes over 700 unique objects, and is searchable by Type (in the root table) and by more detailed Model (in the Category table). Favorites and Recents have been moved to the bottom toolbar as buttons. The object creation view also has several more options, including adding to the Truck instead of the Plot. Some objects (like Boxes and Cables) can only be added to the Truck, and some (like Grip and Gels) can only be added to a selected object, or to the Truck.

In addition, I’ve transferred all Inventory object information to plist files, which will make it much easier to add new Objects in the future.

The Truck can be shared among all the Plots in a Show, or used by one individual Plot. It allows you to add objects to your Plot without necessarily displaying them on the layout. This is most useful for making gear lists, and for making several different setups out of one package.

Info Pane
The Info window no longer pops up in the lower left. Instead, a much more powerful and detailed table appears on the right of the screen, showing a navigable list of all the objects in your Plot. You can move through their targeting and rigging relationships, and your selection on the Plot will follow. Once you have an object selected, you can modify any of its properties and see those results on the layout, as you make them. (This is only true on iPad, of course; on iPhone the Info table covers the screen.) You can modify properties of any Plot Object, including Shapes in the Floor Plan.

Plot Layer Display Control
Each class of object (Unit, Rail, Lift) can now have its text labels faded as a group. This is also the new home of the slider for fading the Floor Plan, and it allows you to pick an opacity for locked Objects, and decide whether to render the Grid and Null Objects in your final Plot image. You can also set an overall modifier for the size of your Plot’s text, to compensate for zooming out.

Object Controls
Plot Objects’ controls no longer appear around them, but instead pop up at the bottom of the screen, next to Undo/Redo. This was primarily a move to increase memory efficiency by simplifying object view controllers, but had the added bonus of making the iPad and iPhone UIs more consistent.

No More “Targeter Select”
Holding down on an Object no longer selects it and all the Objects targeting it. This is to prepare for Copy/Paste functionality, which will appear in a future version.

No More “All Objects” Label
New selection techniques makes All Objects Label superfluous. It’s removed from all existing Plots and will not be automatically created any more.

Finally, the Snap function gets an intuitive icon: a magnet. In addition, Snap will draw orange lines on the grid when it’s snapping to them (as well as the coordinate value of the line), and will snap to other Plot Objects as well. On the new Lift objects, Snap will allow you to rig to preset points. Units have similar points, but the frontmost one is a special case that will allow you to rig a softbox.

With the addition of the Lift object, it made sense to allow rigging to more than just Rails. Lifts can rig on Rails, Rails on Lifts, and Units on anything (including other Units).

Some Objects (like Kinos or frames) are more useful when you know how they’ll be rigged; vertically, horizontally, tabletop, etc. With those Objects, you can choose how to mount them, either when you create them, or any time later on.

Device Rotation
Instead of the sloppy default device rotation from previous versions, LD v2.0.0 employs a custom rotation solution, which is quick and elegant.

Export Options
Now you can Tweet, Facebook, Save to Camera Roll, and email your Plot, without closing it. Plus, LD keeps track of when you last rendered, and doesn’t make you wait for another render if you haven’t changed anything since then. This means you can choose how to crop your Plot image by Saving to Camera Roll (which doesn’t zoom to fit all), then close your Plot and email with that exact cropping.

Browser Tables
The individual tables on the Browser have been completely redesigned for simplicity and intuitiveness, and to maintain a consistent experience between iPad and iPhone. The Sort and Order controls are now at the bottom, and use Action Sheets to select choices (which will mesh nicely with the text-based movement of the upcoming iOS 7). A sideways swipe now presents the option of deleting a Show or Plot.

Crew info can now be modified at any time, even after they’ve been added, and custom Crew Members can be added as well. You can also choose among multiple email addresses and phone numbers when you first add a Crew Member from your Contacts.

Bug Fixes

Background Image would not resize correctly
If you attempted to add and edit a background image while zoomed out, the image would continually resize itself, making it impossible to use correctly. This is no longer the case.

To report a bug or request a feature, please Contact the developer