Improvements | Bug Fixes
This subtle but significant overhaul puts more control in the hands of the user, to customize their working experience.
Sortable and collapsible tables
Some detail tables can now have their sections collapsed and sorted by the user. Display Settings, Objects, and all object details (Unit, Shape, etc) add a new button in the top right that shows the list of sections, which can be dragged into any order. Furthermore, the user can decide whether that order should only be used for the current Plot, or for all Plots.
Also, each table section can be collapsed by tapping the small arrow at the top. Pressing and holding the arrow will display a menu with the options to collapse or expand all sections.
Display Settings
The Display Settings table has been reorganized into more coherent sections, and more options have been added, such as transparency for object types (Unit, Shape, etc), whether or not to render Notes, and the number of DMX universes. Each section can be specific to the current Plot, or global.
Also, a section of relevant Display Settings has been added to each object detail table, so Unit details include Unit transparency, DMX warning, etc.
Plot Font
The user can now choose among 10 different fonts for their Plots, and set the size of the fonts numerically instead of on a scale. The fonts include two options each from the serif, sans-serif, typewriter, drafting, and handwriting families, so there’s something for everyone. Fonts can be set globally or Plot-specifically, and in the future they will be able to set object-specifically.
Symbols and Colors
The Plot editor now uses Apple’s SF Symbols, and implements a more cohesive color-coding strategy: everything in blue is Plot-specific and can be changed and undone, everything in black is global and not undo-able, and things that are in pink and green are temporary, like for doing exposure calculation or setting the size of an image shape.
Increment/Decrement controls
Many detail tables have “stepper” controls that allow values to be changed one tap at a time, such as X and Y position, rotation, and scale. Now, those controls display the actual result of making the value larger or smaller; rotation controls show clockwise and counter-clockwise arrows, position shows up/down and left/right, and scale shows larger or smaller. These will adjust themselves when the device is rotated, as well.
Their behavior has also been standardized so that if Snap is on, they won’t just add one full unit of measure, they’ll go to the next whole number.
Slider cells
When you tap the Edit button in a table, it used to hide what value a slider cell was controlling. Now, that remains visible.
Beam Setup
The Beam Setup table has been improved to show more clearly what should be adjusted and what is being calculated. Its behavior has also been changed so that every user adjustment is reflected immediately.
Full-Resolution Pieces
If the user chooses to save full-resolution pieces to their Photos to combine later (a good option for older devices that can’t combine them automatically), the app displays the full-size resolution in its completion message, so the user knows how large a Photoshop canvas to create. It also provides an option to append that information onto the Plot description.
Now “stairs” Shapes can have the number of steps specified.
Unit Pointers
Unit pointer labels can now have their style changed, like Notes, to have square or rounded corners, no borders, or hide the label entirely. Labels also appear on pointers for targets AND targeters. And when a pointer is set to render, it will be drawn in a 2-point line instead of 1-point.
DMX Settings
The total number of universes can now be set between 1 and 48, globally or in a Plot. This means you can have a lot, but don’t have to scroll through a lot of them in the picker.
Additionally, it’s easier to turn the address conflict warning on and off, and there’s also a setting to automatically turn it off just when rendering, and bring it back for editing.
Rotate Workspace With Device
This setting, which controls whether your workspace stays locked to the orientation of your device or always stays “upright,” is now specific to each device it’s set on.
Detail table scroll position
Now detail tables will stay at the same scroll position when selecting objects of the same type. For instance, if you want to change the rotation of several different Units, you can select them each sequentially and their table will already be scrolled down to the Position section.
Cell text fields
When the user taps on the text field for a stepper or slider cell, the text will get selected automatically. This saves the trouble of moving the cursor and deleting the old value; they can just type in the new value.
iPhone improvements
Now the Add Object table will automatically close after adding or swapping an object on iPhone.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a mis-label of which border edges were which in the Display Settings table
Un-crowded object controls on iPad mini in portrait with detail table open
Snap points will not show a position value if the grid is not displayed
Note pointers no longer block Gels’ centered text
Fixed a problem with full-res rendering Unit pointers
Crescit “Manage Account” and “Upgrade Account” now go to different pages
Fixed a loophole that could cause a crash when opening a Plot, if Crescit servers were down